
These days are not getting any easier for those of us in the entertainment business. Concerts, festivals, bars, clubs, civic events; almost every conceivable way to play music is struggling. As we sputter to try to reopen, many venues are making tragic mistakes. This is not going to be easy.

For me, the return to some semblance of normalcy is impossible. There is no normal without Doug by our side. We so appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and words of wisdom. Sharing the burden has helped.

Many of you have asked what’s next.

So, here I go.

We are not going to pick up where we left off. It’s impossible. We tried. Too much pain. It’s that simple. It will never be the same. We will not try anymore.

As long as I can, I will continue to create. It’s like breathing for me. I will start recording my next album today. I actually have three albums in the works. More on that as we proceed. A very bittersweet journey begins with one step forward.


I haven’t felt much like promoting lately. My fault. Please forgive me. As sad as I have been about the band and our loss, I am also feeling a hefty amount of guilt. Life goes on for me and I am angry that Doug’s is over. I don’t think I will ever get over that.

My day to day existence is surprisingly good, even in the midst of this pandemic. I have three burgeoning careers. I don’t want to retire. I am having too much fun. Actually, what I do is what most people work their whole lives to achieve. Ya know, work really hard at something you don’t like that much so that when you retire you can: write a book, learn how to play the guitar, paint, enjoy life. It is all I have ever done. I know how lucky I am.

In the coming weeks, we will share on this site and in the media some of the fun things I have been doing. A little synopsis:

Record Store Radio Podcast launched. There are a couple of stories on our site about that.



Letizia’s Album wrapped yesterday. She is an amazing singer. Her album is special. Brett, Andy Rudy, and Letizia worked hard to complete it. We master tomorrow. It should be available soon.

Irv Lyons, Jr. releases. There will be two singles coming shortly. The rest of the album will follow soon after. I have enjoyed producing and working with Irv, Joanne Shenandoah, and a cast of many wonderful performers to make this happen.

Crocodilly Lilly is published. A children’s book by Richard Faith is available at Amazon.com and in bookstores everywhere. I enjoyed doing the illustrations. I will start the fourth book in the series soon.

Bee Scared is book number three in the Old Doc Turtle series. I am drawing the last two panels right now.

More Todd the Artist news. I did two covers recently for my publisher Jongleur Press. Sylvia and Barkley for young readers and Megamerse a SciFi by Richard Faith. I’m right in the middle of illustrating the cover for Don’t Stop Dancing Stranger Than Fiction, a Michael Jackson bio. Any day now, one of my fine art pieces will arrive from the framer. I can’t wait to share that one with you.


There is so much more. I promise to keep you posted. You do the same. Together we will get through this.





Monday -